Sonic colors 2d fan game
Sonic colors 2d fan game

sonic colors 2d fan game

With a new physics engine that's more like that of the Genesis games, there's certainly a lot to be excited about if you're a Sonic fan. That game will be yet another throwback, and hopefully one that more fans get behind. The next chapter in the Sonic franchise will likely be the forthcoming Sonic 4: Episode 2. Meanwhile the 3D stages say, "Hey, 3D Sonic games can be pretty awesome, too!" Hell, I'm going to be honest: I probably enjoyed the 3D stages a tad more than the 2D stages, and that's OK, because they were done so well. The 2D stages are a true testament to the glory the series has had in the past, and they show that 2D Sonic still works, it's still fun, and it's really what the fans want. The game's definitely not without its flaws, but its highs manage to outnumber and outshine its lows to an incredible degree.

sonic colors 2d fan game

It's a bit challenging to formulate an idea as to where the long-running series can go from here, especially since Sonic Generations is still so fresh in all of our minds. But after all of that, where does the company take Sonic next? Sega is currently prepping for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2, which is set to feature new visuals and new physics, and there's no doubt that the company can expand upon the formula of Sonic Generations with a direct follow-up. The game is, for all intents and purposes, a tribute to the legacy of Sonic, warts and all. Though it's not without its faults, the game manages to cater to the old school Sonic fan while exuding a ton of modern charm. Sonic Generations is a great game, but it's also a bit of a strange game. Not only did the game hark back to the old, but it embraced the new. Regardless of that, though, Sonic Generations was the true shining moment in the blue blur's renaissance. Though I've also read plenty of individuals' opinions all over the internet, and many weren't happy with those games either. And Sonic Colors, well, the argument can be made that those games were stellar examples of how to make both 3D and 2D Sonic games right. Ultimately, some people really liked Sonic 4: Episode 1, while most absolutely detested it. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 was the publisher's attempt at recreating 2D Sonic, and Sonic Colors on the Wii and DS tinkered with both the 3D and side-scrolling formulas, respectively.

sonic colors 2d fan game

While we saw flashes of brilliance in games such as Sonic and the Secret Rings and Sonic Unleashed, which nailed the speed element of the series in some aspects and completely floundered in others, it was 2010 that really saw Sega attempting to bring the iconic blue hedgehog out of the dump and into the limelight once more. The Sonic the Hedgehog series has been going through this sort of renaissance phase over the past couple of years.

Sonic colors 2d fan game